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What is the CDP Conflict Dynamics Profile?

The Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), is an assessment instrument measuring behaviours people choose during a conflict situation.
It was developed by the Center for Creative Leadership at Eckerd College, a university in St. Petersburg, Florida to help prevent harmful conflict in the workplace and has been used extensively for many years as an intergral part of leadership development around the world.
It's backed by solid research confirming its reliability and validity.

"Due to my involvement in the corporate arena, I'm able to offer this opportunity to individuals who would not normally be able to access such tools."

Taking the CDP Conflict Dynamics Profile is an excellent resource to help you become more self-aware …  so you can improve your conflict management skills.

Because the CDP focuses specifically on conflict behaviours, rather than styles, the feedback you get from it provides you with an opportunity to develop skills around choosing more constructive behaviours during a conflict situation.

For example it tells you how you respond to conflict - both behaviorally and emotionally – plus what behaviours in others or "triggers" can escalate conflict for you.

"This provides you with valuable information in helping you deal more effectively and constructively with ex-partners particularly when negotiating financial or children’s issues. It is also useful in preparing for joint conferences or mediation"

The Assessment Scales measure the good and not so good behaviours you choose:

Constructive Behavioral Scales:

  • Perspective Taking – Putting yourself in the other person’s position and trying to understand that person’s point of view.
  • Creating Solutions – Brainstorming with the other person, asking questions, and trying to create solutions to the problem.
  • Expressing Emotions – Talking honestly with the other person and expressing your thoughts and feelings.
  • Reaching Out – Reaching out to the other person, making the first move, and trying to make amends.
  • Reflective Thinking – Analyzing the situation, weighing the pros and cons, and thinking about the best response.
  • Delay Responding – Waiting things out, letting matters settle down, or taking a “time out” when emotions are running high.
  • Adapting – Staying flexible, and trying to make the best of the situation.

Destructive Behavioral Scales:

  • Winning at All Costs – Arguing vigorously for your own position and trying to win at all costs.
  • Displaying Anger – Expressing anger, raising your voice, and using harsh, angry words.
  • Demeaning Others – Laughing at the other person, ridiculing the other’s ideas, and using sarcasm.
  • Retaliating – Obstructing the other person, retaliating against the other, and trying to get revenge.
  • Avoiding – Avoiding or ignoring the other person, and acting distant and aloof.
  • Yielding – Giving in to the other person in order to avoid further conflict.
  • Hiding Emotions – Concealing your true emotions even though feeling upset.
  • Self-Criticizing – Replaying the incident over in your mind, and criticizing yourself for not handling it better.

It also identifies behaviours in others that are Hot Button for you:

  • Unreliable – Those who are unreliable, miss deadlines and cannot be counted on.
  • Overly-Analytical – Those who are perfectionists, over-analyze things and focus too much on minor issues.
  • Unappreciative – Those who fail to give credit to others or seldom praise good performance.
  • Aloof – Those who isolate themselves, do not seek input from others or are hard to approach.
  • Micro-Managing – Those who constantly monitor and check up on the work of others.
  • Self-Centered – Those who are self-centered or believe they are always correct.
  • Abrasive – Those who are arrogant, sarcastic and abrasive.
  • Untrustworthy – Those who exploit others, take undeserved credit or cannot be trusted.
  • Hostile – Those who lose their tempers, become angry, or yell at others.

While you may have a good understanding of how you manage conflict situations, you will be amazed at the feedback you get from this profile.
You get: 
- 8 page report
- 40 page Development Guide outlining suggestions for improving behaviours and cooling your hot buttons
- 45 minute de-briefing session          

CONTACT US to organise taking the profile.


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